Town Gardens

A residential garden affords a wonderful opportunity to create individual garden rooms. Just as different rooms in your house have a certain feel and purpose the outside can be used to create interest and allow imaginative ways to utilize the space. Our understanding and coordination of the many and various garden styles will allow us to create a wonderful harmony in your garden, completely original.

You may have a certain theme you wish to incorporate, perhaps you would like to recreate the feel of an Italian villa as we have done in the garden shown below. Or perhaps you would like to develop something completely original.

Our research and development will ensure that the plants and materials are not suitable to your particular climate but thoroughly enhance and convey the overall theme. A residential garden affords a wonderful opportunity to express and incorporate many different elements to enhance the pleasure of your garden.

Country Gardens

A country property has a special grandeur that endures beyond one generation. Our philosophy in designing the garden for your country property is to create an environment that will endure and mature over many years.

Modern horticultural growing techniques allow us in many cases to incorporate advanced trees into the design so that you achieve substantial improvement to the property even after a short period of time.

While always basing our design on proven horticultural practice, thinking outside convention has allowed us to develop some amazing concepts.

For example: an unsightly water tank is cleverly hidden by an outdoor chess board.